Somebody Told Me About Roxy.......

Sep 21, 2004
That she was beautiful beyond belief! Pearly white teeth out of a denistry manual, blonde hair, tanned skin, a waist that you can almost surround by putting your two hands together, georgeous tempting eyes, and legs that never end...and bosums that make you wonder whether they're real or not! I find all of this hard to believe in light of the fact that the girl really has something upstairs as well. Can anyone please verify all of it is so hard to find a woman so well endowed in all areas....and intelligent as well!

Beat the System!!
Oct 20, 2003
I think I saw a picture of her when she put it in her avatar. She looked hot but I don't know if it is to the extreme that you described it.
Sep 21, 2004
Piranha said:
I think I saw a picture of her when she put it in her avatar. She looked hot but I don't know if it is to the extreme that you described it.

I heard she is so hot that she could melt the North Pole!

I am sorry for using the "R" word - and NOTHING EL
Oct 21, 1999
Millennium Sportsbook * said:
I heard she is so hot that she could melt the North Pole!

I also heard she is so hot she can sit on a chocolate bar and make it pudding in less than 2 seconds :lolBIG:

i hear she is so hot she makes me look ugly (well - not really - but it's close)

i hear she is so hot she has to wear flame retartant clothing to keep it from burning off her body

i hear she is so hot she will puke upon reading this all - or die laughing - one of the 2

RELAX,im just having fun
Nov 7, 2004
Millennium Sportsbook * said:
That she was beautiful beyond belief! Pearly white teeth out of a denistry manual, blonde hair, tanned skin, a waist that you can almost surround by putting your two hands together, georgeous tempting eyes, and legs that never end...and bosums that make you wonder whether they're real or not! I find all of this hard to believe in light of the fact that the girl really has something upstairs as well. Can anyone please verify all of it is so hard to find a woman so well endowed in all areas....and intelligent as well!
i absolutely cringe when i see im the subject of a 5ft2 so my legs definitly i 1st came here i mistakenly posted a very bad pic in my profile then removed it when i realised no one does that here. it was a photo taken after a night of drunken partying. i have friends here who have my pic. i have thiers as well.i appreciate the flattering words coming from someone who ive had such little interaction with.i once proposed we all post our pics in 1 thread in light of the rx vegas bash in august. then we could all see the faces behind the curious millennium.the shrink stated publicly that your not an experienced forum rat, a rookie poster and thus we should take that into account and be easy on you. but im curious why you create such landslides with your posts?yesterday you infuriated every body then once i got involved you actually showed a different side of yourself somewhat. what is your agenda here? i really hate being the focus of any thread and especially up here in the main forum. you know at least 1 or 2 of my closest friends whove seen me and im sure a few others will chime in but im no beauty pageant contestant.the last line you wrote is a bit sexist. care to explain why you believe a decent looking woman might not also have intelligence?

I am sorry for using the "R" word - and NOTHING EL
Oct 21, 1999
roxygurl said:
the last line you wrote is a bit sexist. care to explain why you believe a decent looking woman might not also have intelligence?

i did not write it - and i hate speaking for others - but i can maybe chime in here

SADLY - it seems as if women who are beautiful and intelligent aren't as common as one would think. it is getting MUCH better than it was 20 years ago - but it still isn't anywhere near the level it should be - and will be 20 more years from now. TO ME - i don't care how beautiful a woman may be - if she is an airhead she will be nothing more than a "F" buddy - EVER! for me - if given the choice between a "10" who is an airhead or a 7 or 8 with a brain - i will choose the latter 100 times out of 100. if she can't stimulate my mind - she won't be able to stimulate other parts of my body. that is the one thing i really love about my mother - she is super smart - she has a master's degree.

women with a brain are sexy - long-term. women without one - are sexy for about 30 days - at most - and that is assuming the only time they open their mouth is to insert something of mine in it.
Sep 21, 2004
roxygurl said:
i absolutely cringe when i see im the subject of a 5ft2 so my legs definitly i 1st came here i mistakenly posted a very bad pic in my profile then removed it when i realised no one does that here. it was a photo taken after a night of drunken partying. i have friends here who have my pic. i have thiers as well.i appreciate the flattering words coming from someone who ive had such little interaction with.i once proposed we all post our pics in 1 thread in light of the rx vegas bash in august. then we could all see the faces behind the curious millennium.the shrink stated publicly that your not an experienced forum rat, a rookie poster and thus we should take that into account and be easy on you. but im curious why you create such landslides with your posts?yesterday you infuriated every body then once i got involved you actually showed a different side of yourself somewhat. what is your agenda here? i really hate being the focus of any thread and especially up here in the main forum. you know at least 1 or 2 of my closest friends whove seen me and im sure a few others will chime in but im no beauty pageant contestant.the last line you wrote is a bit sexist. care to explain why you believe a decent looking woman might not also have intelligence?

God...this reminds me of my college days when I had to answer those essay questions using my bluebook. I don't have any agenda here, except to pay back all of the posters who have made me miserable over the years. No need to use the vaseline on me lady as the Shrink will attest to the fact that I have been around the block a few just don't know who I am...and that's cool. I am not a sexist...but I know of only two other woman in my life that had it all going for them 1) my daughter (s) and 2) my beautiful Costa Rican wife. Tonite was just a compliment for a pretty nice looking chick....and I lied....I do know exactly what you look like! Aren't I scary?

RELAX,im just having fun
Nov 7, 2004
Millennium Sportsbook * said:
God...this reminds me of my college days when I had to answer those essay questions using my bluebook. I don't have any agenda here, except to pay back all of the posters who have made me miserable over the years. No need to use the vaseline on me lady as the Shrink will attest to the fact that I have been around the block a few just don't know who I am...and that's cool. I am not a sexist...but I know of only two other woman in my life that had it all going for them 1) my daughter (s) and 2) my beautiful Costa Rican wife. Tonite was just a compliment for a pretty nice looking chick....and I lied....I do know exactly what you look like! Aren't I scary?
but im not one of those posters who made you miserable.i didnt say you were sexist i said the last line was. if you know what i look like you know im not the goddess described above. your an interesting guy. so would we all know who you are if we knew your name?
Sep 21, 2004
roxygurl said:
but im not one of those posters who made you miserable.i didnt say you were sexist i said the last line was. if you know what i look like you know im not the goddess described above. your an interesting guy. so would we all know who you are if we knew your name?

No...but Ken knows who I am....he's my buddy for MANY years...back to the nineties. Just poking some fun with you tonite.....but I really think you are a knockout! .....and pretty smart...a nifty combination....if I was single I'd be hanging at your front door. Aren't you wondering how I found out so much about you in such a short time?

RELAX,im just having fun
Nov 7, 2004
Millennium Sportsbook * said:
No...but Ken knows who I am....he's my buddy for MANY years...back to the nineties. Just poking some fun with you tonite.....but I really think you are a knockout! .....and pretty smart...a nifty combination....if I was single I'd be hanging at your front door. Aren't you wondering how I found out so much about you in such a short time?
uhhhhh,from ken?:think1: :nuts: :ohno: if you were at my front door you better have wine in one hand a great plays in the a willingness to let your hair down cuz im a hellion:monsters- .

Feb 26, 1999

The guy posting under Millennium has not had it easy and earned his way to where he is today by working hard and never letting go of his dreams.

I have had the good fortune of meeting some of his family members, too...


Roxygurl has added so much to our forum and she is arguably the most liked and appreciated poster here. The looks don't hurt her either, lol...

Best of all, Roxy is a sharper gambler than most of the guys, and I love it when she buries away the egotistical ones...

It's funny how first impressions can be wrong, especially on these forums, but I suspect if you two met at a sports bar in a casino, you'd have a blast together...

Sep 21, 2004
roxygurl said:
uhhhhh,from ken?:think1: :nuts: :ohno: if you were at my front door you better have wine in one hand a great plays in the a willingness to let your hair down cuz im a hellion:monsters- .

I'm begininnnnnng to perspireeeeeeeeeee

RELAX,im just having fun
Nov 7, 2004

The guy posting under Millennium has not had it easy and earned his way to where he is today by working hard and never letting go of his dreams.

I have had the good fortune of meeting some of his family members, too...


Roxygurl has added so much to our forum and she is arguably the most liked and appreciated poster here. The looks don't hurt her either, lol...

Best of all, Roxy is a sharper gambler than most of the guys, and I love it when she buries away the egotistical ones...

It's funny how first impressions can be wrong, especially on these forums, but I suspect if you two met at a sports bar in a casino, you'd have a blast together...

this is going to generate the really hatefull replys shrink. here we go i appreciate this in ways words cant express but honestly im mortified by the spotlight i know millennium is a rock in his field and a damn fascinating i gotta check a score!:monsters-

RELAX,im just having fun
Nov 7, 2004
Millennium Sportsbook * said:
Hey're too good to be do I know that you're not a FED?
you dont. but if i were id have already asked you to explain your operation in great detail and likely would have done that by asking the shrink for your email address since you gave the ok for that last night. id have been pressing the shrink himself for information too. shrink knows i hate mondays and traffic does that sound like a fed to you?lol

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